Berdasarkan undian pelajar memilih baju seperti di atas. Oleh itu harga bagi sehelai baju tersebut RM 20 di mana t-shirt tersebut jenis 'quick dry'.Sila sediakan RM 10 untuk diposit.
Maklumat tentang rekreasi secara teori dan praktikal untuk pelajar yang mengambil subjek HSM 115/225 dan sesiapa sahaja- ABDUL MUIZ BIN MISRI
Blogger Tricks
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Berdasarkan undian pelajar memilih baju seperti di atas. Oleh itu harga bagi sehelai baju tersebut RM 20 di mana t-shirt tersebut jenis 'quick dry'.Sila sediakan RM 10 untuk diposit.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Mari belajar kayak

History Of Kayak
The kayak was first created by the Inuit, an artic people. Their first kayaks were made from wooden frames covered in sealskin. They included a small hole in the middle craft for the user to sit in and were primarily used for hunting. These early kayaks varied greatly in design from region to region. Two common ones are show at left. The top image is of a kayak from the
The materials that have been used to make a kayak have changed significantly with the years. Many early kayaks used wooden frames covered in skin for their materials. However, with the ship's adoption by European settlers, they were covered in fabric. This method continued until the 1950's when fiberglass was introduced, and then in 1984, the first plastic kayak was made. At present, kayaks are sturdy, light, and very versatile.
The modern interest in canoeing and kayaking as a recreation and sport was brought about by John MacGregor, who designed the Rob Roy in 1845, a canoe he based off sketchings of Inuit canoes and kayaks. MacGregor later formed the Canoe Club in 1866 with other canoe and kayak enthusiasts, and they brought about competitive canoeing with their first regatta in 1873. Kayaking became a part of the Olympics in 1936, with the introduction of four events, the single and pairs 1,000 meter and 10,000 meter race. Later, the white-water race and slalom events were added to the Olympics also.
There are three main distinctions that separate a canoe from a kayak:
- A kayak is a decked boat, while a canoe is not.
- When using the boat, a kayaker will sit flat with his legs extened under the deck and his upper body rising from a central hole in the deck. On the other hand, a canoer will kneel in the boat.
- A third difference lies in the paddle, a canoe utilizes a shorter paddle with a blade on one end only, sort of a shortened version of the oar of a row boat The kayak, though, uses a longer paddle with blades at both ends of the rod.
(I suggest to all my student please open the website because it will show you the animation about kayak )
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sukan Psikologi
Psychology (word derived from Ancient Greek language: psyche=soul; logos=said) means knowledge of the soul /
mental. Due to the nature of psychology, it is not possible to learn it directly because soul / mental is an abstract, but it is
limited to the manifestation and expression from the soul / mental. Therefor psychology has to be defined as knowledge
to learn behavior and mental process or stated namely purport of its behavior and process or activity.
Psychological is a field of collection in academic, clinical and industrial of those concerning with the explanation and
forecast over behavior, thinking, emotion, motivation, personal relationship, capacity and pathology.
Sports psychology is the process of learning factors that affect and influenced behavior through involvement and in
sports performance, exercise and physical training.
To educate, teach and implement psychology skill and training with strategic to athlete to enhance performance design in
Fisiologi Sukan
as human, animals and plants, or their constituent tissues or cells. It includes the study of an organism's vital functions
and processes, for example movement, reproduction, growth and development, the absorption and processing of
nutrients, the synthesis and distribution of proteins and other organic molecules,and the functioning of different tissues,
organs, and other anatomic structures. The word "function" is important because physiology traditionally had to do with
the function of living things.
Physiological processes are dynamic. Cells change their function in response to changes in the composition of their
local environment, and the organism responds to alterations in both its internal and external environment. Many
physiological reactions are aimed at preserving a constant physical and chemical internal environment.
Human physiology today is a science of wide scope. Some physiological studies are concerned with processes that
happen within cells. The physiology of cells is called cell physiology. Other physiological studies deal with how tissues
and organs work, how they are controlled and interact with other tissues and organs and how they are integrated within
the individual. Yet other physiological studies deal with how we respond to our environment, for example, to extremes of
temperature (in arctic conditions versus the desert) and to changes in pressure (deep under the ocean versus weightless
in space). Human physiological processes are the functions of living persons and their parts, and the physical and
chemical factors and processes involved.
Exercise Physiology
identification of physiological mechanisms underlying physical activity. It is a discipline involving the comprehensive
delivery of professional services concerned with the analysis, improvement, and maintenance of health and fitness,
rehabilitation of heart disease and other chronic diseases or disabilities, and the guidance and counsel of athletes and
others interested in athletics, sports training, and human adaptability to acute and chronic exercise. Exercise physiology
is essentially concerned with the assessment of how the body responds to single or repeated bouts of exercise in
response to the demands of a particular sport.
Exercise represents one the highest levels of extreme stresses to which the body can be exposed. The concepts of
exercise physiology are often applied in the training of individuals to maximize their physical potential. Exercise
physiology is a rapidly evolving field that is becoming increasingly important in the delivery of health care. The study of
exercise physiology may include the health benefits of exercise, factors that relate to athletic performance, such as the
assessment of physiological capacities (aerobic and anaerobic power, muscular strength and endurance), modulators of
performance (nutrition, environmental factors, drugs), and the effects of specific training regimens.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Definasi Dan Konsep Rekreasi
Friday, July 11, 2008

Pengenalan kepada rekreasi
Scheme Of Work HSM 115
Bahan Mengajar
Jangka Masa
Sejarah Permainan Rekreasi
1.1 Latar belakang permainan secara am
2 jam
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Keperluan Permainan Rekreasi
2.1 Peralatan
2.2 Gelanggang
2.3 Pakaian
2 jam
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Ciri-ciri Permainan Rekreasi
3.1 Peraturan dan Undang-undang Am
3.2 Asas Pengadilan
2 jam
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Asas Sains Sukan
4.1 Konsep Kecergasan
-Regangan, memanaskan badan dan
Menyejukkan badan
-Kecergasan Keseluruhan:
Kecergasan Sosial
Kecergasan Fisiologi
Kecergasan Psikologi (mental, emosi,
4 jam
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Kemahiran Asas Permainan Rekreasi
5.1 Kraf Perkhemahan
5.2 Orienteering / Navigasi
5.3 Canoering
5.4 Ikhtiar Hidup Darat/Air
5.5 Permainan
5.5.1 Permainan kecil
5.5.2 Permainan/perlawanan dalam
5.5.3 Pertandingan
3 Jam
3 jam
4 jam
3 jam
3 jam
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6.1 Etika diri
6.2 Displin berpasukan
6.3 Displin dalam gelanggang
6.4 Displin Peralatan yang digunakan
2 jam
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7.1 Ujian Kemahiran 40%
-Secara amali –dinilai secara berterusan
sepanjang semester melalui ujian-ujian
kemhiran asas.
7.2 Ujian kecergasan 20%
7.3 Kuiz/Tugasan 20%
7.4 Teori 10%
7.5 Komitmen/displin 10%
2 jam
*Dinilai secara berterusan sepanjang semester melalui ujian-ujian kemahiran asas.